Saturday, February 28, 2009

ArE u ThIn ObEsE,fAt On ThE iNsEdE??

Research reveals that slim women may be storing very high levels of internal fat. Especially those women who have crash dieted and do not take any exercise are at the high risk of storing fat on the inside. So, being slim might make you feel good about yourself, but it does not mean that you are healthy.

Using MRI scans, doctors have discovered virtually litres of internal fat in slim people. That fat would be wrapped around our main organs such as heart, liver, kidneys, pancreas and would streak through muscles that has not been used and exercised regularly. This would remain a serious culprit for bad health in later life.

Professor Jimmy Bell, head of molecular imaging at the Medical Research Council’s Clinical Sciences Centre at the Hammersmith Hospitals NHS Trust, carried out extensive research and concluded that health and looks do not necessarily go together. People can look slim and healthy, but their internal organs may be completely surrounded by fat causing a metabolic time bomb.

So far Professor Bell and his team have measured the internal body composition of over 400 women and found that 40% had high internal fats. An example is a 33 year old woman with very low BMI of 19.9, weighing 9st who had three litres of internal fat packed around her main organs. A healthy average is around 1 litre, so, anything above can easily lead to coronary heart disease, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes and many cancers, including colon and breast cancer.

Women who crash diet are at more risk at storing fat because of the nature of crash dieting that, instead of fat loss, causes more of the muscle mass loss which slows the rate at which body breaks down fat and calories, causing a vicious cycle of putting the fat back on as body does not replace that muscle but stores surplus calories as fat unless you exercise, which deposits in the abdomen area first. Internal fat seems to be more dangerous as external fat as it seems to produce more hormones and proteins and it drains directly into the liver; it effects glucose levels, which can trigger type 2 diabetes and other chronic heart problems.

So, the old fashioned BMI measurement is not entirely accurate measure of someone’s health. You also can not really tell from the mirror and size of your clothes. You can be skinny as a rail, but your body fat can be very high! There is often too much emphasis on weight, rather than on body fat. But it is fat that relates to hypertension, diabetes, gallbladder diseases, cancer and lots of other health problems.

So, what needs to be looked at is body fat, where main culprit is fat stored around our waist. So, it is indeed your waist measurement that can be used as a good guide on how healthy we are. Super skinny models could be slender, but who knows what is going on inside?There is a great news that we can eliminate internal fat that we did not even know we had. With regular exercise and balanced nutrition we can reverse the effect of what internal fat has in store for our future.

What is important when dieting is to burn the fat, but to keep the muscle. As athletes can not afford to lose an ounce of muscle as muscle is the engine that drives your metabolism, the same applies to everyone else. Herbalife has a healthy solution to balanced eating and dieting though Shape-works-Herbalife management and health and sports nutrition progamme

If your health is important to you, however, you find good nutrition difficult to put into your diet and would like help to put a healthy eating plan together,please send email to me""

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